Previous incidents
Streaming API Failing
Resolved Jan 06 at 02:25pm MST
There was an issue with certificate validation on the Streaming API server. This has been fixed and timelines should now auto-refresh as intended.
1 previous update
Mastodon Service Degraded
Resolved Jan 05 at 02:15am MST
We've upgraded the postgresql database to a $240/mo VM. This has solved today's latency. We will continue to monitor the instance but believe we're in good shape to handle tomorrow's traffic.
3 previous updates
Mastodon Service Degraded
Resolved Jan 03 at 04:40pm MST
Traffic from this Denial of Service user agent has been blocked at Cloudflare and the instance has returned to normal operating levels.
3 previous updates
Mastodon Service Degraded
Resolved Jan 02 at 10:56pm MST
Queues have cleared up and service restored to normal.
3 previous updates